Saturday, August 23, 2008


It has been an extremely busy start of the school year, and many of my loved ones are going through really hard times. It has taken a toll on me and sometimes, stress can get the better of me. I have felt like I am being thrown into too many directions all at once, and I don't think that I have been handling it with grace.

So, I have been taking time each morning to really think of all the things I am grateful for, and it is starting to make a big difference. For me, family has always been the most important piece of my life. My daughter is such an amazing blessing, with all her quirks and silliness.

She has recently learned how to climb out of her crib, which just amazes me. She is really starting to explore her world, and seeing the world through her eyes makes everything new again, and absolutely full of wonder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks-i needed to be reminded to just take a deep breath & be grateful for all the good things I have in my life.