I have recently discovered how much I love newborn photography, and it is so fun to be able to practice and play every day with my very own newborn. Today we had a really fun little photo shoot, and he is proving to be a fantastic little model, just like his big sister! I can't wait until I get to do this full time (*sigh, one day....). I started a 365 for Jack, just like I did with Lilly (a photo a day for a year). It's challenging, and I have to admit, there are many days that I want to quit. BUT, it is really worth it. I love the challenge of coming up with something new every day, and I get so much practice- giving me more confidence. AAAhhhh, photography. I love it!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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