Is that seriously awesome, or what? I've actually been wanting to try pinhole photography for a while... I love the images that people are creating. Ethereal, magical. But, no. I didn't make that gorgeous thing that you see above. I made this:
I just went on a tangent, didn't I? Sorry. Ok, back to the reason I'm posting right now. I've been looking at a few camera pendants just for fun. I mean, they are really cute, right? But, since I have decided that I should try to craft things more often, I decided to give my Shrinky Dinks a try.
First, I found a photo of a camera I wanted to make, and simply blew it up to the size I wanted, then printed it out and traced it onto my shrink plastic. I'm sure there are many of you out there that can draw your own. After all, it's simply a rectangle with a few little additions.
Seriously, I can't believe I'm letting you see my second grade drawing skills. Ha! Note how I let one edge of the page be the edge of my camera? Less work! :)
Next, cut out carefully. I also decided to make a separate "o" shape for the lens. Make sure to punch a hole (or two, depending on how you'd like your camera to lay) before you bake. Color your camera however you'd like. I'm thinking next time, I'll use something better than crayons, but they worked for my draft.
Then, heat your oven to 325 and shrink away. Please know that they will roll and look all out of shape while they bake. It's normal! Just wait a bit, and it will shrink up even more and flatten.
Now, I just added some hot glue to the "lens" and glued it in place, added a jump link, and put it on some ball chain.
Say Cheese!
Here, you can see the glue- I had to cut the excess off. Not pretty.
hope you liked this- If you make your own, I would love to see it! :)
Lastly, go visit my site if you are in Southern Cali. Get 27% off of your session fee and the price of a CD when you book a session with me! :)
Happy Week-